
My Experience at Ontario Business Mission Meet-2016

I had just finished reading the MoM sent by Marketing team after the regular weekly meeting. We had discussed on growing our business opportunities in North America region. The team suggested we do a marketing campaign there as it has a great potential. Coincidentally, the same evening, I received an email from the Confederation of […]

Universal Apps – Application Insights & VS-2015

One fine Wednesday evening when I was busy planning for the following Sunday, my manager called me and asked if I was available to attend a Technical Seminar on Sunday. Before I could say something, he quickly handed over a ticket to me and said, 9 AM, 30th Aug, 2015, Microsoft Hyderabad Building. BE THERE. […]

Rendezvous with Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC)

If you have ever wondered what makes a Software Project success with least efforts, lot of factors run through your mind. Possible critical success factors could be high caliber Resources, control over requirements, strong client involvement and top of all, an Established Process. Here in this post, I would like to highlight the importance of […]

An Effective Dealership Management System

Every business is traversing towards automation. Most of the tasks which were done manually in the past are now either moved towards automation or rapidly being moved. No business is an exception to it including dealership systems. I had the privilege of working on such a project for a Florida based dealership services. For any automotive […]

Empower HR – Why should an HR be empowered in an Organization?

“Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out~ Stephen R Covey“ This morning, I came across this thought provoking quote as part of my regular email digest from Forbes. This made me think effective management is now a necessity for an organization. For the development of an organization, the […]

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