My Experience at Ontario Business Mission Meet-2016
I had just finished reading the MoM sent by Marketing team after the regular weekly meeting. We had discussed on growing our business opportunities in North America region. The team suggested we do a marketing campaign there as it has a great potential. Coincidentally, the same evening, I received an email from the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) inviting eSwiftSoftware to be part of one such business meet.
H.E Mrs. Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, Canada visited Hyderabad on 4th February 2016 with a business delegation consisting around 50 members. The delegation included Hon’ble Michael Chan, Minister for Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade, Hon’ble Brad Duguid, Minister for Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure, and Dipika Damerla, Associate Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. Mr. Jupally Krishna Rao, Hon’ble Minister for Industries, Government of Telangana was also present.
The atmosphere was indeed very cordial and genial. The session started right on time with the introductory speeches made by representatives both from Ontario and Telangana. Special mention about Dipika Damerla who attributed her success to the roots of Hyderabad. It was a pleasure to listen to her talk in Telugu, the local language of Telangana.
H.E Mrs. Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario stressed upon the need of strengthening the bonds of the two regions highlighting the similarities between Ontario and Telangana. While it was overwhelming to hear the Premier say India and Ontario are natural partners, there is indeed much we can learn from one another, and even more we can offer to each other.
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