The Telangana State Police (Women Safety Wing) and the Hyderabad City Police delivered some eLearning Courses through our BenchStep LMS. These courses have been designed by BenchStep LMS who pioneer in creating awareness programs on social initiatives. The SHE Teams now have a competitive advantage thanks to online training and eLearning. The general public is the target audience for SHE Teams’ campaign.
The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, or GHMC, has partnered with us for a course on societal awareness for cleanliness, known as Swachh Bharat. Swachh Bharat is the Government of India’s most significant cleaning campaign with the objective of bringing development in hygiene, cleanliness, and the quality of life in urban and rural areas, by recognizing the importance of Solid Waste Management as part of Swachh Bharat mission and many more.
Dhruva is the country’s first human trafficking knowledge platform. This is an initiative in the state of Telangana to combat human trafficking and related crimes. The Dhruva portal is part of a larger effort called “Strengthening of AHTUs in Telangana State by Effective Prosecution & Prevention of Human Trafficking Cases,” which is being carried out as part of a project called “Strengthening of AHTUs in Telangana State by Effective Prosecution & Prevention of Human Trafficking Cases.”
BenchStep LMS has also made its contribution for the society and community by launching eLearning courses which promotes social awareness in many different aspects such as mental health, anti-fraudulent practices and many more. The success rate of these courses determines the purpose has been achieved. We’re still trying to come up with unique courses which help our community.