

In order to facilitate the entire flow and process seamlessly, the Commissionerate of Intermediate

For a Large Organization Scheduling of Job vacancy and Hiring of Candidates can be a huge and tedious process,

Designed an automated software tool which helps cleaning companies run their operations with ease.

Designed an automated software tool for a UK based Training Provider to manage their training needs.

Healer Cart is a one of a kind e-Pharmacy (registered with the Government of Telangana and licensed

Designed an automated software application and Mobile App to allow customers to order fruits and veggies

Designed an automated software application to allow organization to manage their employees, Attendance,

Developed an API based interface to integrate the SCORM player for a US based training provider

Designed and developed a software application for a training institute in Telangana, India for them

For a university in Africa, we built a survey tool allowing the students to answer questions and assess

Designed and developed a software application for a renowned International sports Association to empower

For an esteemed university in India, we have designed a Mobile App and an admin panel to manage

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